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We support brave & ambitious founders

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Our mission is to combine what is best in acceleration and VC worlds. We are hands-on, we co-build and we boost valuations.
Piotr Danelski, Ventrue-Building Principal
Our core values
Startups are not the lifestyle. Growth is not unlimited. Founders focused on business with additional support tend to over-achieve. We believe that every unusual approach is a good step towards business success - that is why we want to engage in 'out of the box' angle projects. We do not exclude first-time, non-tech or single founders. We believe that right support and help in law, tech, business and sales fields is necessary on the path to success. We do not chase unicorns, we build value.
Success happens when business opportunity meets adequate people:
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Venture Stable
Venture Stable Prosta Społka akcyjna. Warszawa, ul. Naruszewicza 9, 02-627. Numer KRS 0001090140
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